Health and Counseling Services

Privacy Notice

Student Privacy

Due to privacy laws, Xavier Health & Counseling Services staff are not permitted to discuss any information about health, medical conditions, medical history, medications, or other personal health information without the student's written permission. We cannot release information without student permission to parents, faculty, staff, coaches, etc. Privacy Laws require that the consent is only valid for the specified visit/illness only.

If you are under the age of 18 years, Xavier Health & Counseling Services is required to share some health information with your parent or guardian in order to provide you with needed health care.

In some cases, Xavier Health & Counseling Services must share information in order to treat you, run the department, or respond to legal actions and public health and safety issues.

A full description of how the Xavier Health and Wellness Center, in partnership with TriHealth, protects your health information can be requested by calling (513) 745-3022, option 3, or by stopping by the HUB, Suite 101.

Xavier Health & Counseling Services

1723 Cleneay Ave

Health United Building, Suite 101

Cincinnati, Ohio 45207

Fax: (513) 745-3563