Student Handbook

1.3.3 - CLERY ACT

Federal law, known as the Clery Act, mandates reporting and disclosure procedures for higher education institutions. The Clery Act requires every institution to provide the campus community with information necessary to make informed decisions about their health and safety. The Clery Act specifically mandates every institution to do the following: (1) have emergency notification and evacuation procedures; (2) issue timely campus alerts for crimes that represent an ongoing threat to the safety of students or employees; (3) keep a crime and fire log; (4) collect crime reports from campus security authorities; (5) request crime statistics from local law enforcement; (6) submit crime and fire statistics to U.S. Department of Education; (7) publish an annual security report and fire safety report. For more information on the Clery Act, see 10 U.S.C. Section 1092 or