Undergraduate Core Curriculum

Liberal Arts Perspectives

Each discipline of the liberal arts uses different methods to understand oneself and the world. In these courses, students will be introduced to each discipline's ways of thinking while studying a particular area of knowledge. Each Perspectives requirement can be satisfied by a variety of electives that each showcase a disciplinary perspective through the careful examination of a topic selected by the instructor.

Creative Perspectives

In Creative Perspectives courses students will come to understand the world in unique and meaningful ways. Historical studies in the arts will include acquisition of critical knowledge about the discipline through observation, appreciation, analysis and related research. Performance-based studies in the arts will include the creation and performance of meaningful art through the acquisition of aesthetic and technical skills. The integration of study and experience in the arts within the constructs of critical analysis will stimulate intellectual and imaginative engagement with society-often resulting in direct communication of students' research and art to an audience. Electives primarily offered in the Art and Music and Theatre Departments; some also in Communication Arts.

Historical Perspectives

History helps us to identify the ways in which societies differ and change, as well as how the past still affects the present. Here, students will develop historical skills through analytical reading and writing, and they will interpret a variety of texts, images, and/or artifacts within their historical context. By analyzing the complicated process of change over time and grappling with historical questions and arguments, they will be better able to navigate the diverse, complex and interdependent modern world. Electives primarily offered in the History Department; some also in Classics.

Mathematical Perspectives

Mathematics is the study of patterns. It provides a unique way of investigating and understanding the world around us, using as its primary tools exploration, conjecture, and logical argumentation. In this course, by exploring rich mathematical problems, students will further develop their abilities to reason critically; to defend the correctness and validity of your conclusions; to present their results clearly in both written and oral forms; and to experience fresh perspectives on the nature of mathematics. Electives primarily offered in the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department.

Philosophical Perspectives

In this course, students will further pursue fundamental human questions about topics such as knowledge, morals, and politics by investigating how great philosophers have addressed these questions. They will have the chance to read, discuss, and critique classic works of philosophy. In this way, they will be invited into a long tradition of reflection on the meaning of our shared humanity, of the world, and of our relation to it. Electives primarily offered in the Philosophy Department.

Scientific Perspectives

The scientific method has resulted in historically unprecedented changes in our world. In this course students will learn how science proceeds, and practice the scientific method yourself in a weekly laboratory experience. They will learn the qualities of a good hypothesis or model, how to assess its validity, the significance of a scientific theory, and the elusiveness of "proof." On completing the course, they will be better able to understand and evaluate scientific or pseudoscientific claims that have direct impacts on their personal and professional life. Non-science majors' electives primarily offered in the Biology, Physics, Psychology and Sociology Departments. Natural and social science majors from many more departments will usually satisfy this as part of their major.

Theological Perspectives

Here students will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of theological reasoning as applied to a topic they found interesting in THEO 111 or other courses. A wide variety of courses allows them to choose from investigating a focused topic in Bible, Historical Theology, Christian Systematic Theology (which organizes Christian beliefs into systems, examining the nature of God, the basis of the Church, and other topics), Ethics (answering the question of what ought we to do), Environmental Theology, Pastoral Theology, or Religions and Culture (including courses in major world religions). Students will emerge with a heightened ability to engage with theological resources and a deeper understanding of theological reflection. Electives primarily offered in the Theology Department.


Additionally, students will deepen their understanding of a discipline's knowledge through three broad electives:

Humanities Elective

Study of the humanities has always been at the heart of a Jesuit education. In this course students will encounter significant issues about the broad range of human experience. They will learn to recognize and evaluate various ways in which people understand and express the human experience. These electives are courses in the departments of Classics/Modern Languages, English, History, Philosophy and Theology. This course cannot double-count with the E/RS elective or Perspectives courses, though it may be a second such course.

Natural Sciences Elective

The natural science extend beyond an exploration of the natural world - they also inform us about our interrelationship to it. In this science elective course, students will improve their understanding of the scientific method and your ability to analyze claims and information regarding science through experiences in lectures and labs. In addition to knowing more about a specific scientific discipline, they will be better able to evaluate the use of science in society and everyday life in an informed manner. These electives are courses with labs in the departments of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This course cannot double-count with the Scientific Perspectives courses, though it may be a second such course.

Social Sciences Elective

The Social Sciences study human behavior and action in a systematic, rigorous, evidence based, generalizing, objective, and cumulative way. They apply the scientific method, using qualitative and quantitative techniques, to study how people behave and act as individuals, in groups, and in society. In this course, students will analyze social issues using scientific research conducted with diverse populations. They will become better able to describe the role and functions of social institutions, explain human behavior and relationships within complex social systems, and critically analyze social science issues within a larger historical and global context. Choose from select courses in Classics, Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Law, Management, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and more. This course cannot double-count with the Scientific Perspectives courses, though it may be a second such course.