Peace and Justice - Fr. Benjamin J. Urmston

Peace and Justice - Integration of Faith and Justice

Integration of Faith and Justice

Promotio Justitiae

Xavier's first major is the core. Xavier's mission is an integration of Faith and Justice. My web-page develops how I try to integrate faith and justice. This page is to invite you to contribute your own integration and how that might affect core requirements.

An excellent way to heal sexual, emotional, physical abuse is to form a positive vision of healthy relationships among all and then implement our vision.

Ephesians 2.19-22 reads:

"Sisters and brothers: you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens and the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself as the capstone. Through him the whole structure is held together and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord: in him you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit."

This would be mixing metaphors, but of course is similar to the five pillars of my Vision of Hope which truly are built on Scripture, the Church, Christian Life Community, and Christ Jesus Himself, the foundation.

My five pillars of the Vision of Hope are simply ways of building on the Apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself as the capstone.

The Center of Concern is one way of creating a world in love "where economic, political, and cultural systems promote sustainable flourishing of the global community."