Center for Teaching Excellence

2017-2018 Faculty Fellow

Wendy Maxian
Associate Professor, Communication Arts

The proposed project pilots a "Community-Partner-in-Residence" program that will serve as a model
for academic departments at Xavier University and elsewhere. During the 2017-2018 academic year, a
community partner will be solicited to work with the Communication Arts department in a
comprehensive partnership extending from fall 2017 through summer 2018. Faculty and student
expertise are leveraged to advance the partner organization's communication efforts. Measurable
communication objectives will be collaboratively determined, goal achievement and community impact
will be assessed, and student learning will be enhanced through extended, repeated and scaffolded
engagement with a singular community partner. The proposed project also captures successes and
improvement opportunities through empirical research, which will allow for reflection and
refinement as a final version of the Community-Partner-in-Residence program is developed and shared.