Daily Examens

To Become More Loving

 By Ellen Hurst, Senior Teaching Professor, Economics


Creator, thank you for my many blessings, especially ______________.
Be with me at this moment,
and guide my thoughts to those places
where I could have been more loving in my day
and consider how I will improve.
Help me to see those places where I was loving
And strengthen those parts of me
So that I can better do your will.
Thank you for all the love I’ve been blessed with
And help me in the moments ahead.

In Caring for Others

By Ashley Henkes, Hall Director, Residence Life

  1. What interactions with others were significant to me today?
  2. What care and compassion did I show?
  3. What was going on in my head during these interactions? Was I truly present?
  4. What control do I have over the circumstances of these individuals?
  5. Did I do all that I could in this point in time?
  6. What can I do for tomorrow?

Prayer for Compassion

Merciful God,
Open my heart and mind to be fully present to those I interact with throughout the day.
Allow me to listen to others without passing judgement or haste to solve what I cannot change.
Give me patience and understanding and grant me grace in my shortcomings.
Be with me in times of fatigue and lift me up with the strength to carry out your compassionate love to all those I meet. Amen.


God's Love

By Jeff Edward

  • What experiences brought me closer to or further from an awareness of God's loving presence?
    Where have I been challenged (in my thinking, body, emotions, circumstances) and how did I respond?
    What experiences gave me greater understanding how Ignatius experienced God, and am I sensing any invitation from God for me in this understanding?
    when was I aware of an invitation from God to love the people around me, and how did I respond?
    How would I like to respond to God's love right now?
    As I look to tomorrow, what invitations do I sense from God?

God's Presence

By Debra Mooney 
  • What am I thankful for today?
    How have I been blessed?

    As I review my day, when did I feel close to God?
    When did I feel more distant?

    What have I learned about myself today?
    Am I pleased with this insight?

    Who do I want to BE tomorrow?
    How can I BE that person?

    What do I look forward to in my day tomorrow?

    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD Jeremiah 29:11a

In the Moment

By Cindy Dulane 
  • What was happening today that moved me spiritually and why?
    When did I most embrace or live in the moment today?
    Did I learn something today that might assist me in better serving others?
    What am I grateful for today?
    What is the world asking of me?

Love in My Life

By Joe Feldhaus
  • When in my day did I give love?
    When in my day did I receive love?
    How can I give love tomorrow?

Matthew 25: An Ignatian Examen

By Michael J. Graham, SJ
    • First Prelude: I begin by recalling my gifts in the presence of God, those personal characteristics, abilities and aptitudes, the things that come easily to me that come to others difficult or not at all. I name as well those advantages I have, especially those into which I was born or which I was simply given, and especially the privileges that are mine. I recall as well that each of these gifts is not simply a thing God has given me, but a way in which God lives and dwells within me.

      Second Prelude: I call to mind secondly the Great judgment scene in the 25th Chapter of Matthew's Gospel, reading from it slowly to savor it and recalling what Pope Francis has recently said regarding it: "If we seek the holiness pleasing to God's eyes, this text offers us one clear criterion on which we will be judged. 'I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you took care of me, I was imprisoned and you visited me' (vv. 35-36)."

      First Recollection: I review my day to identify the times where I have used what I have been given on behalf of another, whether it was the gift of something concrete, specific and tangible to someone in need of it, or whether it was perhaps somewhat more abstract - the time I spent, or the energy, trying to improve the situations and circumstances of others who I may never know. As it is possible, I remember specific faces and people and thank God for putting them in my path that I might be of use to them.

      Second Recollection: I ask now for the grace to review my day to see those people to whom I did not extend myself, the opportunities that were before me to make a difference which I chose not to make, the places where I chose to hold too tightly to that which had been given me rather than give it away at the service of another - whether time or talent or treasure. As before, I seek to see specific faces, but now to beg their forgiveness before God.

      Final Reflection: I once again thank God for all the deep gifts of my life and ask him to make me more diligent tomorrow in placing them freely for the use of His Kingdom. I conclude with the Prayer for Generosity:

      Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you
      deserve. To give and not to count the cost. To fight and not
      to heed the wounds. To toil and not to seek for rest. To labor
      and to ask no reward, save that I know I do your holy will.

My Blessings

By Jeff Coleman

How has God blessed me this week?

  • Family and friends
  • Physical and mental health
  • My daily needs: food, shelter and financial security
  • Joyful moments
  • Opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others
  • Petition:
    As I reflect on the past week, I ask for clarity of thought and humbleness of spirit, that I might truly understand and appreciate the blessings I experience every day.

    What blessings do I most often take for granted?

    When did I pause during the past week to reflect on my blessings and God's hand in my life?

    Did I miss opportunities for joy because I was concerned about trivial things and lost sight of blessings?

    How did my actions impact others?

    How can I better honor God through the awareness and use of my daily blessings?

    A Look Ahead:
    As I begin this new week...

  • How can I remain more aware and appreciative of my daily blessings?
  • How can I better keep things in perspective and find more joy in the "little things" that I so often take for granted?
  • How can I better use the amazing blessings I have been given to help others and perhaps make a positive difference in their lives?

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another."

John 1:16

My Examen 

By Heidrun Schmitzer

For the past day I am especially grateful …

…for the gift of another day that my parents are alive, that my children are healthy, normal, do not have problems and are in general lovable creatures.

…for the support I have received from my colleagues and staff at work.

…for the laughter and good humor I had at work and at home.


I am about to review my day; I ask for the light to know God and to know myself as God sees me.


What made me feel pressured?

What made me feel bad about myself?

What made me feel angered?

What made me happily laugh today?

What made me feel satisfied with my life?

Did something good happen that makes it worth living?


In light of my review how can I change my approach towards life? Towards the work place? Towards my family?

A Look Ahead

As I look ahead what comes to mind?

With what spirit do I want to enter tomorrow?

My Thoughts

By Melissa Baumann
  • How did my day go?
    What did I do that was right? wrong?
    • What event or idea does my thoughts return to or stay-on?
  • I 'sit' with the thought/event - because my mind wonders there for a reason.

Renewing My Mind

by Megan Martin

“…be made new in the attitude of your minds; and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

-Ephesians 4:23


I begin by thanking God; by re-centering the creation around its Creator. As I take in a breath, I recognize that God alone provided it. And as I exhale, I give it back to Him. I thank Him for life today.


I ask for guidance as I review my day. May I look at everything with the heart of God: grace for times when I fell short and joy for times when I spoke the gospel without words.


As I exhale, I give those times when I fell short to God:
Where did I let fear stop me…
from loving Him and others fully?
from speaking truth?
from stepping toward the purpose He has for me?


As I inhale, I take in grace for those moments:
I remember that God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind[1].
I remember that He is strength in my weakness. 
I remember that is about Him and not me.
There is rest here.


May I remember that He is a God of redemption. That renewal is simply a taking off and a putting on. I lay down my purposes and take up His.


I end by resolving to begin my day tomorrow with a renewed sense of what God has for me.


[1] 2 Timothy 1:7

The People I Have Met

By Gary Massa
  • I. Become Aware of God's Presence:
    • Be calm, peaceful, eliminate the clutter
    • Listen (Listening Prayer)
    • Am I aware of Christ in my daily life...? Do I invite Him in?
    • Humbly ask for guidance

  • II. Review the Day with Gratitude:
    • Recall the goodness of the day
    • Rewarding interactions/accomplishments
    • What made me proud?
    • Conversations with kids, friends and colleagues
    • Did I make decisions with character and integrity?
    • Who did I meet that was brought into my life for a reason?

  • III. Pay attention to your emotions:
    • What was it that inspired me today?
    • What moved me today?
    • Did I feel the Holy Spirit in those things?

  • IV. Face Shortcomings:
    • Was I as good of a husband, Dad, brother, friend, or leader as I could have been?
    • Have I helped my spouse and kids get closer to God?
    • Was I fully present in my interactions an conversations?
    • Have I treated everyone like I would like to be treated?
    • Have I taken the time to remember to keep things in perspective?

  • V. Look Toward Tomorrow:
    • Remember those I love, resolve to never take them for granted.
    • Be aware that someone may enter my life for a reason...be open.
    • Realize the impact I have on others.
    • Am I using my gifts to do God's will on earth?


By Dr. Kelley Mills


What did I see or experience today that made me grateful for the life God has given me?


As I prepare to rest and reflect on the day, I ask for peace and clarity so that I may clearly see what God wants me to see.


What brought me happiness today?

What did I take for granted today? 

Where did I recognize God’s presence most boldly today?

What did I learn or experience today that I can put into practice, both personally and professionally?


In light of my review, how can I be more intentional about recognizing how I intersect with the Holy Spirit, the world, work, and others?

A Look Ahead

As I look ahead, what shall I carry forward?  What shall I let go and leave behind?


By Dr. Leah Busam Klenowki

What am I grateful for today?How did I show or experience this gratitude?Where was I challenged today?How can I learn from these challenges?Who do I want to be tomorrow?How can I use the experiences of today to be a better version of myself tomorrow?


By Dr. Morrie Mullins

How have I been aware of the presence of the Divine in my life today?

What has happened today that gives me cause to be grateful? What have others done that inspired gratitude? What have I done to help others?

What have my dominant emotions been today? Where did they come from? How are they informed by my experience of myself, others, and the Divine?

What one thing today gives me the greatest opportunity to reflect and grow? What lessons did I learn from it?

What do I hope to accomplish tomorrow, on a personal, emotional, or spiritual level? How can I set an intention to help that happen? Let me look toward tomorrow with joy and hope.

In the Midst of Chaos

By Nezam Al-Nsair, PhD, RN

In all the business and midst of all the chaos surrounding your day, remember the:


You have a purpose and God has a purpose for us. Stay focused, what is my Goal, how can I be a good steward and help others?


Reflect on your goals and purpose.

Refocus, listen, and reflect.

What were your high points? How can you maximize them?

What were your low points? Why? How can you change them?


Reflect on your perception of the day and your colleagues’ perception, were you on the same wave? How would you connect with people better? And how would you improve communication?

Mindful Living

By Dr. Thilini Ariyachandra

Beginning - Begin with a few deep, calming breaths in a quiet space. Feel grounded in the present moment and acknowledge the shift from the day's activities to this time of reflection.

Gratitude and Blessings:

Reflect on the day with a heart of gratitude. What moments today made you feel blessed? Acknowledge the simple joys and the unexpected blessings. Express your thankfulness for these moments. Recognize the impermanence of all experiences in the natural course of life.

Mindful Learning:

Think about the lessons of the day. What have you learned, and how have these insights contributed to your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? Consider the ways in which today's experiences have enriched your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Noticing the Subtle:

Recall the small, perhaps overlooked moments of the day. How have these small experiences—perhaps a kind word, a shared smile, or a moment of quiet—contributed to your overall well-being? Reflect on the significance of finding peace and quietness amidst the day's stress and obligations.

Aspirations for Tomorrow:

With a positive mindset towards tomorrow, consider how you can live more mindfully, show greater compassion, and pursue your path of self-improvement? Consider how you can integrate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine to cultivate a calm mind with life's pressures. Visualize bringing the insights gained today into tomorrow to enable awareness, gratitude, and inner peace.

Closing: Loving-kindness Meditation:

Conclude with a Metta meditation, sending out wishes for happiness, health, safety, and peace to yourself, your loved ones, and all beings across the globe. Use the mantra: "May all beings be happy, may all beings be at ease, may all beings be free from suffering." Finish with a few mindful breaths.

Sustainability/ Connection to the Living World/Laudato Si'

By Dr. Debra Mooney


As I review my day, what aspects of the living world and my surroundings am I especially grateful for?

Opening Petition

As I review my bond with Our Common Home, I ask for the light to better know my place within God’s creation.


As I review the connections I have had with nature - including people, plants, animals, air, food, waste, water, sun and stars- what stirs in me?
      The sounds
, sights, and tastes I have encountered...
      The peace I received…  
      The learning I obtained...

      The beauty ….
      The actions I have initiated…
      A challenge overcome…
      An event that took place...
      The joy that I have experienced…    


In light of my review, have I noticed God's presence in any of this?

Closing Petition adapted from a prayer in Laudato Si

   All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.
   You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
  Pour out upon me the power of your love, that I may protect life and beauty.

To Whom Much is Given (Luke 12:48)

By Samuel Terry

God, I thank you for all that you have blessed me with.  I acknowledge your bountiful blessings.  I thank you for the rich opportunities that you have bestowed upon my life.  You are the source of it all.  God in everything you do I find thanksgiving, I find peace, and I find assurance in you.  In all that you have blessed me with, I thank you for the valley experiences as well.  There can be no mountain highs without valley lows.  I thank you for the struggles because It allowed me to see in a stronger light.   I thank you for not having something because it taught me to appreciate it when I received it.  Thank you for your endowed blessing to be able to share and give with others.  You give me peace in the times of storms.  Although I struggle, I know that it's all working for my good. 

As I reflect, I ask that you allow me to be thankful in times of frustration. You have given me so many blessings, so send your spirit to humble me and truly appreciate my blessings.  Give me the spirit humbleness of spirit, so that I might truly understand and appreciate the blessings I experience every day.

What do we take for granted?

Have I thanked God for the small things, even the doors that have been closed?

Have people seen God in me?

How can I give people what God has blessed me with?

I may be the only encounter with God that people may have.  Have I have represented God to the best of my ability?

A Look Ahead:
It is required of me? I know this means that I am held responsible for what I have. If we have been blessed with talents, wealth, knowledge, time, and the like, it is expected that we benefit others.

This week light me be a shine light to all who needs it.  Let me have a kind word to speak. Let me able to give hope to the hopeless.  Let me walk with the downtrodden. Let me be the feet and hands of God in this world.

To whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48).