Military Science

Scholarship Incentives

Our Universities provide outstanding support to their Army ROTC program through the following incentives:

Room and Board Incentives

Xavier University provides room and board scholarships during traditional terms based on your high school GPA and your SAT/ACT scores. Contact us to get an estimate of what you may qualify for.

First Year Tuition

Xavier University will provide First Year Tuition ($38,000) for all National Three Year Advanced Designee Scholarship Recipients.

Merit-Based Scholarships

Miami University will allow our Cadets to maintain any Merit-Based Scholarships they earn up to $13,000 per year to apply to Room and Board or any other University expenses.

Academic Credit

Xavier University awards full academic credit for all Military Science courses including 4 Credits for Basic and Advanced Camp.

In addition, the College of Nursing and Health awards academic credit for participation in the Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP) -- a three-week summer internship. This clinical experience provides students with three academic credits in the NUR 415 course.