Department of Mathematics

How I Spent My Summer 2019

The following Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences majors and minors spoke about their summer experiences in research, internships, REUs, and more at the Department Presentations, 9-11-19.


Kelly Delano did research on the association between maternal neighborhood deprivation and infant DNA methylation at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital


Emma Hiatt worked with Dr. Minnie Catral on An Exploration of Various Matrices Associated with a Given Graph and presented at Mathfest


Beth Root worked with Dr. Eric Bucher and Dr. Esmeralda Nastase on Cutwidth of Cartesian Product Graphs and presented at MathFest


Patrick Simpson had an actuarial internship at Ameritas Life Insurance Co.


Mark West worked at a booth during MathFest and demonstrated Geometiles.  Also worked at the Julia Robinson Festival with Geometiles.


Amanda Cusimano worked with Dr. Esmeralda Nastase and Dr. Eric Bucher on Graph Theory and presented at MathFest 

**Amanda received an award for Best Presentation at MathFest**


Kara Schatz, REU, University of Central Florida in Orlando, Center for Research and Computer Vison


Gabby Sparro took classes in Ireland for 2 weeks on a Study Abroad.