College of Arts and Sciences

Glad for March


As we reach the final days of February, the coincidence of calendars can be almost jarring.

The sober Christian season of Lent and the crush of midterm exam-taking and exam-grading (not to mention midterm-grade posting!) match well enough the dreary late winter. 

Meanwhile, we watch for the first March signs of spring and anticipate Spring Break. 

And in recent years we also mark
 March Gladness--March 3 and 4--at this time of year: a chance to engage our alumni in support of Xavier students.

This year CAS students and program are especially well represented, as the Writing CenterTheatrePPPUndergraduate ResearchComputer Science, and tours for Music students all have separate pages. 

People can also
 donate directly to CAS or through CAS to any program within the college.

So I encourage you to mark your calendars for next week. Whether you give a few dollars here or there to register your support, or whether you dust off your program's social media accounts to engage our alumni, I hope you'll support our students during March Gladness this year.